Fuji TV åbnede torsdag en officiel hjemmeside for en TV anime adaption af Kotoyamas Call of the Night (Yofukashi no Uta) manga, og afslørede hovedpersonalet, rollebesætningen, en teaser-illustration (ovenfor) og teaser-promo (nedenfor).
Anime-serien er planlagt til at blive sendt i Fuji TV’s noitaminA-program blok til juli 2022.

Manga ‘Yofukashi no Uta’ Gets TV Anime for Summer 2022
Fuji TV opened an official website for a television anime adaptation of Kotoyama’s Yofukashi no Uta (Call of the Night) manga on Thursday, revealing the main staff, cast, a teaser visual (pictured), and teaser promo. The anime series is scheduled to air on Fuji TV’s noitaminA programming block in Ju…