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Angel Beats! 1st beat ny screen shots og dialog

Key Visual Arts har afsløret ny screen shots og dialog fra deres kommende PC spil Angel Beats! 1st beat, der er baseret på den populære anime af samme navn.

Jeg har valgt ikke at oversætte teksten til dansk, da folk der vil spille spillet alligevel kommer til at gøre det på engelsk.

Iwasawa: “Where are you going?”

I continue walking silently.

Iwasawa: “Is it a date? This is the first time we walked alone together since we starting dating.”
Iwasawa: “This would be our first date.”
Otonashi: “Its this classroom”
Iwasawa: “huh? Do you have something to do here? It just looks like an empty classroom?”
Otonashi: “Say, Iwasawa.”

I walk to the center and turn towards Iwasawa.

Iwasawa: “What?”
Otonashi: “Do you like me?”
Iwasawa: “Of course. That’s why I’m dating you.”
Otonashi: “I really like you Iwasawa.”
Iwasawa: “Then, I really like you too.”
Iwasawa: “It’s embarrassing…”

I reach out my hand.
I touch Iwasawa’s chin with my index finger.
And lift it.

Iwasawa: “Wha…”

Then, our lips touched.

Iwasawa: “nn…”

Angel Beats! 1st beat ny screen shots og dialog

I thought that time should stop.
God, please.
Let us be like this forever.
I will do anything.

Otonashi: “Say, Tachibana. Can I call you by your name?”
Tenshi: “Why?”
Otonashi: “Because we became friends.”
Tenshi” “Became?”
Otonashi: “We became freinds. We fished together, even cooking now.”
Otonashi: “Plus, when I first heard your name I was thinking, what a pretty name…”


Otonashi: I like you, your name. Kanade means, to play a sound right?”
Tenshi: If you want too, do as you like.”
Otonashi: My name, Yuzuru. It means to tie the string. You can call me that.”

Kanade nodded at me.
I want Kanade to stay with me forever.

Otonashi: “Say, Kanade. I want you to answer something.”
Kanade: “What?”
Otonashi: Stay with me and Hinata.”
Kanade: “…why?”
Otonashi: I don’t want you to fight anyone anymore. I want you to live happy.”
Kanade: “I understand with everyone, but just you and that person?”
Otonashi: No, of course with everyone. But, Hinata will be there too.”
Kanade: “It’s confusing…”

I like Hinata, but I also like Kanade.
Huh? What is this love triangle?

Otonashi: (Do I have to choose one…?”

Spillet var oprindeligt planlagt til at udkomme den  29 maj 2015, men er  nu blevet en lille måned forsinket til den 26 juni 2015.

Kilde: 4Gamer
Kilde KEY Visual Arts
Kilde Kitakubu

1 Kommentar

  • Indlæg Forfatter
    Erik Weber-Lauridsen
    Skrevet 3. maj 2015 ved 5:52

    Og før der kommer en pop-smart kommentar om ny vs nye i overskriften: Ifølge dansk sprognævn er det flydende og man kan vælge frit mellem de to former, så jeg var doven og valgte det korteste.

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