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Kyoto Animations besked til fans

Den 29 juli lagde lederen af Kyoto Animation en besked til fans over hele verden op på deres hjemmeside, først på japansk og enkelte andre sprog, så jeg ventede lidt med at bringe det for at se om der ikke kom flere.
Nu er de oppe på japansk, engelsk, kinesisk (både mandarin og kantonesisk), koreansk, tysk, fransk og russisk.

Den engelske kan ses herunder, da det er det af sprogene flest herinde er bedst til:

An unprecedented atrocity has robbed many of our friends and colleagues of their bright futures and has left many deeply injured.
News from all over the world tells us that amazingly many number of people has sent us their hearts and prayers, which are like candles in the darkness, for those of us trapped in the darkness of deepest grief.
There are many friends and colleagues who are hospitalized and suffering, fighting for their lives.
Please give us some time.
We promise that Kyoto Animation will continue to create animation that help people have dreams, hope and impress them.
Kyoto animation will continue to make its employees and staff lead happy lives, and contribute to society and local community.
I assure you that Kyoto Animation will not give up, we will not go quietly into the night…we will not vanish without a fight!

Kyoto Animation Co. CEO Hideaki Hatta

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